Info & Register
This registration is closed.
- League: Island Hockey 101
- Season: Spring 2023
- Opens: February 3, 2023 at 12:00pm PST
- Closes: March 31, 2023 at 12:00pm PDT
- Spots remaining: 0
This registration is for team captains to register their team. Our goal for spring league has always been fun first. There is ONE referee for each game and our atmosphere is intentionally more relaxed. Penalties resulting in suspensions often result in expulsion from spring league because tolerance levels for plays of that nature are strongly discouraged! Please form your rosters with that in mind and bring only those who wish to continue playing laid back, recreational hockey through the spring months. We look forward to hosting your teams.
Season starts: April 1, 2023
Season ends: June 30, 2023
Number of games: 14+
Playoffs: Single Elimination
Arenas: Wurtele Arena (April only), West Hills Arena, Pearkes Arenas
Cost: $5150 (50% due with registration, 50% due April 1st)
- Eric Yue
- Commissioner